Using the script

$ ./

       1          Welcome to the Validate Pattern utility container
      111         It contains all the needed components to install a pattern.
     1   1
    111 111       Please run the following for more information:
   1       1
  111     111       ./ make help
 1   1   1   1
111 111 111 111
  • Used to deploy the pattern from the command-line

  • Deploys the operator with a repository and branch from the local clone of the repo

  • Provides a way to invoke the container which has all of the pre-requisites software installed (e.g. python, ansible, make)

  • Improved User Experience when deploying Patterns from the command line

  • When installing a pattern use:

./ make install
  • When loading secrets into your deployment

./ make load-secrets uses your origin remote and current branch. To change the branch after a deployment, run make install in the new branch

Help Menu comes with a help menu, to use it:

$ ./ make help

  make <target>

Pattern tasks
  install                              installs the pattern and loads the secrets
  post-install                         Post-install tasks

Pattern Common Tasks
  help                                 This help message
  show                                 show the starting template without installing it
  operator-deploy operator-upgrade     runs helm install
  uninstall                            runs helm uninstall
  load-secrets                         loads the secrets into the backend determined by values-global setting
  legacy-load-secrets                  loads the secrets into vault (only)
  secrets-backend-vault                Edits values files to use default Vault+ESO secrets config
  secrets-backend-kubernetes           Edits values file to use Kubernetes+ESO secrets config
  secrets-backend-none                 Edits values files to remove secrets manager + ESO
  load-iib                             CI target to install Index Image Bundles

Validation Tasks
  validate-origin                      verify the git origin is available
  validate-cluster                     Do some cluster validations before installing
  validate-schema                      validates values files against schema in common/clustergroup
  validate-prereq                      verify pre-requisites
  argo-healthcheck                     Checks if all argo applications are synced

Test and Linters Tasks
  test                                 run helm tests
  helmlint                             run helm lint
  kubeconform                          run helm kubeconform
  super-linter                         Runs super linter locally
  ansible-lint                         run ansible lint on ansible/ folder
  ansible-unittest                     run ansible unit test