Self Contained Patterns

Topic Objectives

In this topic we will discuss:

  • What it means to be a "Self Contained" pattern

complete pattern

Every Pattern has resources that make it unique:

  • Container Images

  • Containerfiles (aka: Dockerfiles)

  • Helm Charts

  • Kustomize Manifests

  • Kubernetes Manifests

  • Ansible Codes

  • Shell/Other programming language scripts

Where or would I add them to the pattern?

Resource Type


kubernetes manifests (.yaml)

They can either be converted to a Helm chart, or the raw manifests can be placed in a directory under charts/

kustomize manifests

Kustomize manifests can be placed in a directory under charts/ or another path (e.g. kustomize) could be used


Ansible roles and playbooks can be deployed through the imperative framework, or via kubernetes job resources in a Helm chart


Shell scripts and other programs that are required for applications can be converted to a configMap and mounted as a volume in a pod (job)

The pattern should be able to deploy all the resources needed to run your applications.

Thoughts on Self-Contained Patterns

  • Reusability / Repurposing becomes a serious problem when these resources are behind paywalls, private github repositories and registries.

  • Patterns designed and delivered for public consumption should have all of its resources available in a public repository and container registry

  • Self-contained patterns is letting the cluster build and deploy the container image used by applications (where it makes sense).