Pattern Landscape

Topic Objectives

In this topic we will discuss:

  • What Validated Patterns are available

    • What business problems are being addressed?

    • Whether VPs are only applicable for the vertical industry the demo was created to show

    • How are they presented to customers

  • Working with Partners

Available Validated Patterns

The number of available Patterns has significantly increased with more involvement from the field and our partners. Take a look at the following graphic - at the beginning of 2024 we had a few Patterns delivered by our Partners and few more from the Patterns team and field.

landscape early24

As of July 2024 we can see that there has been a significant uptick in activity.

landscape july24

Validated Patterns WebSite

The easiest and fastest way to find out what Validated Patterns are available and their availability is to check out the Validated Patterns website.

Validated Patterns are an Open Source effort. Information about the Validated Patterns can be found on the Patterns Website.

The Patterns are also hosted in GitHub